Monday, April 11, 2011

Wyatt my love! 2 and 1/2 years

Wyatt has started a little habit of waking up around 3 or 4 in the morning and walking over to my bed and saying, "i want mommy." And then when he gets in sometimes he says, "hold me." :) Wyatt has suprised me lately with knowing all the words to the songs, "I am a Child of God", "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam", and "Once there was a snowman." So adorable. He performs it for Grandma's and Grandpa's sometimes and they love it. One night I was singing wyatt to sleep and I sang, "I love to see the temple,"'s one I have sung before, but this time he said, "No I don't like that one....sing a different one!" I thought it was just a fluke so I have tested it since and tried singing that same song again, and everytime I do he says the same thing.:) Wyatt is excited for Kylie to come. I don't think he fully understands, but he will talk to her in my belly. He wants her to come out my belly button and says, "she's stuck" (referring to her being stuck in there and not able to come out of my belly button!) There have been a couple times when I have slept by Wyatt where he wakes up and starts softly rubbing my face and arm until I wake up. And he says, "mommy" in a very soft little voice after to see if I am going to wake up or not:). Sometimes after he will spontaneously give me a little kiss after too. So precious.
Some characteristics that I see in Wyatt:
Social with kids, shy around adults
Loves to be with mommy, "I want mommy, I want mommy"
Very active
Go getter
Good natured

Wyatt has to get a surgery to get his tonsils and adenoids
out on Thursday. We are praying everything will go fine. It will help his breathing at night. He struggles to get oxygen at night and snores b/c his tonsils and adenoids are so big. So Dr. Mellor felt this is the best option. He is a wonderful doctor and we trust him completely. He has been talked highly of by many and served as a Mission President.

Friday, February 11, 2011

2 years and 4 months

You have had huge growth over the past 4 months. You are talking and talking and talking. My favorite thing you say right now is, "not again!" You say that when something goes wrong and it is so funny! I love you at this age! You surprise us all the time with the funny little things you say that we didn't know you knew. You will have a sister in 3 months and I know you don't fully understand that. I think you will be so happy to have another little friend around. It may take a little while for you to warm up to her? We will have to see! I looked throught your baby pics last night and got all teary eyed. You are so special to us Wyatt! Some other things you have been doing love to eat chicken noodle soup, you LOVE this new bubble blowing gun I bought for you, you love to kick the snow with your boots....I just thought of a funny story. Last night, you had gone out in the backyard by yourself for the first time. I had to get some dishes done and told you to go out there and play while I do them and that I would watch you through the window. You were out there for a while (20 minutes) and it started to get a little dark. You ran inside and said, "MOM, it's DARK, and I saw a guy!" So cute. You say that when it gets dark in our house too, I think its from cartoons or something...maybe from the movie Monsters Inc...which is one of your favorite by the way. "the monster one, I want to watch the monster one..":). "Bye, lub you, c-ya tomowo." That's another thing you say that melts my heart. We are having so much fun with you and love you to peices.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A little over 2 years...

Have to write about you Wyatt, you have been so funny lately. The other day I was singing in the bathroom and you came in and said, "it's too loud mommy, too loud."(referring to my singing). haaha I had no idea you cared how loud I sang. You are as cute as a bug. You love all the christmas lights and christmas stuff. You talk a lot. You repeat back almost everything we say. I bought a little potty training toilet for you and you closed the door and wouldn't let me in. I came back about 5 minutes later and you totally went potty by yourself! I hadn't even taught you how. Another cute thing you say is, "I need help!" "I need help!" When you are in a bind. We love you lots!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

2 years old!!

Wyatt my little sweetie. What a cutie you are! Your amazing eyes and cute dimple help you get away with a LOT!~:) If I am about to get upset at you then I look at those eyes and they melt my heart. At age 2 you are as adorable as ever. Just when I think you can't get any cuter and funnier, you do. Grandpa Kjar was staying with us for a few days to help dad with his new delivery business...and you had SO much fun hanging out with him. He loves you so much and wanted to spend a lot of time with you. He took you on walks (you hold his finger when you walk with him), took you on a golf cart ride, played in the basement with the toys, and was so sweet to you. We were sitting down for lunch a couple days ago and all folding our arms for the prayer. Since you were about 18 months or so you fold your arms and close your eyes for the prayer:). Well this time I started saying the prayer and you repeated back after me what I said!!! I couldn't believe it. We had never taught you that. And I don't know where you would have learned that? Maybe nursery? I am going to have to ask your nursery leaders b/c that was such a neat experience and really suprised me! You are talking quite a bit. "I wanna watch a meemee" (I want to watch a movie.) Lub you (love you). "Mommy come" or you say "Daddy come". "I like it." Another funny thing you do is call me Heidi. Only sometimes. When you wake up and are ready to get out of bed in the morning, I hear "Heidi. Heidi! Heidi!!" It is too cute. Grandma Jill thought it was funny one time when we stayed over night here. YOu were sitting on the couch one morning after you had just woken up. You like to drink your sippy cup with milk and have a snack. You had your blankie and was watching cartoons all relaxed. And then you'd yell "heidi! Heidi! I wanna snack." So I'd go get you a snack. Then a second later, "heidi! Heidi! I wanna nink (drink)." So I'd get your drink. "Thanks mommy." She said you were like a king on his throne with me racing around serving you:). That's what I do all day and I wouldn't have it any other way. I decided the moment I had you that I would dedicate my life to you and any other children we have. And give you "my best." I have tried very hard to do that. I love being a mom. WE have so many fun adventures together everyday. You are my little buddy and we have developed a sweet little relationship. One more thing about you say please and thank you all the time. Jer and I don't remember teaching you that, but I'm sure we did a few times. YOu have it down. It is so sweet. Now onto your daddy. You LOVE your daddy. You and your dad play downstairs in the basement with all the toys when he gets home from work. You always ask "where daddy go??" when he leaves in the morning. And then I say, "daddy went to work" (I say it really fast and in a funny voice and no fail you laugh every time. It is like our little game when daddy leaves. Whatever daddy eats, you eat. I make you some peanut butter toast in the morning and you won't touch it. Then Daddy gets a piece of peanut butter toast and you say "I want a piece" and he gives you bites of HIS and you can't get enough! The same thing goes for most meals.:) Your daddy sits in the nursery with you for the first hour or so to get you comfortable in there (he is a softy and doesn't like to see you cry when he leaves). And then he comes home and tells me all about what you did and how you played, what kids you played with, etc. You have such a cute sense of humor. You love to pretend your hand is a spider and "get me" with it and then I smash it with my hand. Oh I just thought of another thing you do with dad. When he leaves in the morning, "I wanna hug" in the sweetest little voice and then daddy runs over to you and gives you a big hug and then you say "I wanna pess" (kiss) and he gives you a big kiss on the forehead:). YOu say that at night to me when I put you to bed too, "I wanna pess". LIke I said you really couldn't be any cuter. We must have done something right in the pre-existence to get you wyatt. We LOVE YOU!!! Life is great!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

oh my cute little bug...

you are 18 months and are at the funnest age ever! you could NOT be any cuter or sweeter. Last night I took you on a little walk (while holding you, we have done this lots and it is one of my fave things to do with you)and we whisper and look around and point things out like the moon, stars, tree....when we do, you get this cute little smile and giggle and point at whatever it is we are looking at. so so cute. melts my heart. you say so many words now. mama, dada, baba, keys, vroom vroom, truck (whenever you see a truck you say this over and over), kiki (kitty), i want that, i wanna help, giggle giggle (one over your very first words) are so social, when you see people in the store or in public you wave and say "hi guys!" and when you see kids outside on our walks you yell, "hi guys! hi guys!" until they respond. It's adorable. On our walks during the day, you always have neighbors coming out to see you and say hi. Brother Padilla, an older man in the ward (80 or so) loves stopping in his car and saying "hi there wyatt!" and then he'll say "how ya doin' wyatt?"....he is so cute to stop and say hi when he drives by or when he's outside. Jim Skinner next door does the same thing. And Paula across the street, loves to come out and have you go inside to get a little bag of treats. darling. you love it and know what she's talking about when she tells you to come over. you grab my little hand and pull me across the street to get your little bag of treats. so so cute. just when i thought i couldn't love you more, each day i do! i love you so much and so does your daddy. He spends so much time with you and loves to shoot hoops with you with the little hoop he bought you. He always brings you little gifts from his business trips, this last time he brought you a thomas the train with the track and you loved it. He says "i am the luckiest man on earth to have you two"...referring to me and you wyatt. we do group hugs and then me and dad kiss, then you want to kiss us both and then we hug and dad bounces us up and down and says he loves us. Life is good and we are so happy as a little family, and wyatt you have blessed our lives in so many ways.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


you have so much fun with your little cousins. They love you and take good care of you. Your little cousing Anli seems to especially love to play with you and is always so excited to see you and make you laugh.

17 months!

Wyatt. My darling, giggly, cute Wyatt! You are getting so big now! You are a little toddler running around. You have the cutest sense of humor. You do funny things to make other kids and your mom and dad laugh! (for ex: you make funny noises with your mouth, run and then pretend to fall...) Dad and I were hanging out with you in the basement last Sunday for loved me and dad giving you full attention and you ran around babbling and laughing and just loved us watching you. You LOVE your daddy. We went to his church basketball game last Tuesday night and watched him play. We always bring your mini basketball for you to play with while you watch dad play.:) This time you wanted to run out on the court and play with them and every time dad would run by, you would start to cry a little b/c you wanted him to play with you. It was so darling. And then the ball went out of bounds so dad came to the sidelines to throw it in and you ran right over, before I could grab you and wrapped your arms around his legs as he threw the ball to his teammate! I don't think there was a person in the room who wasn't laughing at how cute it was! So after that when dad was sitting over by the team waiting to go in to play again, he came over and picked you up and let you sit on his lap while he sat with the team. You looked SO proud and sat there very still, holding your little ball, with the most content and proud look on your face. It was priceless. Some things I'm starting to notice about are daring, not afraid to go right up to animals. In fact, at the park not too long ago, there were 2 HUGE great Danes....they looked like mini horses. You walked right over to them and let them lick your hand (i made SURE they were safe with the owner, she told me they love kids and not to worry at all:). YOu are 99% love throwing rocks, you love to GROWL and pretend to scare people, you love to knock down towers made of blocks, you love to pull hair and then laugh:), you love love love electronics and cars!(one of your favorite things to do right now is sit in the car and pretend you are driving could do it for hours i think!), you love phones, computers, ipod, any electronics you can get your hands for the have a soft tender side that is adorable. YOu love to hold little baby dolls and pretend to feed them a bottle and hug and kiss them. It is darling. You love to turn off and on the light switches in our house. YOu aren't a big stroller or carseat fan. I usually end up carrying you the whole time in the store or when we go out, b/c you are not a grocery cart fan either. I carry you and snuggle you all the time. I love it. I can't get enough of you. In fact, whenever we go on walks, the neighbors ask why I don't use the stroller, I just tell them you don't like it. But really it is just cause I want to hold and snuggle you and talk to you as we walk and look at all that is around us. We have our "routine" things we do on walks: look at and pet the dogs, say "pokey pokey ouch pokey pokey" as you touch the neighbor pine trees, and you love to touch anything else along the way, we also pick up a stick that you hold during the walk and wave it around and then we go inside and "show daddy what we found." You hold the stick up like it is so amazing and dad just loves it and says, "WOW cool wyatt, cool stick!" You and your dad are the cutest little buddies. He spends a lot of time with you playing in the basement with the toys, building towers, helping you shoot hoops in your little basketball hoop, and you love it when he shoots the styrofoam arrows and helps you shoot people with it. YOu have this cute smile that you do here and there, you show all your teeth and it is like its a "camera smile" and a big cheeser smile, it is adorable! YOu smile lots, but once in a while you will do this smile to me when I look at you and smile. In the car sometimes I will look back and smile at you and you will give me that darling smile. Wow Wyatt you just have me and dad wrapped around your little finger. We spoil you and then spoil you some more. You mean everything to us and are such a sweet and darling little guy. We are so lucky to have you.